a Therapeutic Music & Events Company
a leader in the cutting edge industry of "Sound Bath" therapeutic music and brain states

About FOS - Bio
Mari's Bio:
Mari has been a sound healing practitioner since 1991. She apprenticed with Sound Healer K. Bach for more than 14 years, has written for one of the members of the Cirque du Soleil's solo show in Las Vegas, as well as sung harmonic vocals on CD "Book of Alchemy," featured in Keyboard Magazine, and the soundtrack for an MTV Animation Festival. Mari has also performed with Eva Stokes in Kaliuga, the Ideals, Sabrina Sayed, and with one of the members from the band, "The Residents." She also worked for a year or two with Aretha Franklin's backup singer, Geraldine.
Mari has an extensive background in Alternative Medicine. She has served as the medical Intuitive for Dr. Daniel Reeves, D.C., N. D., D.D., Phd. for 9 plus years where she helped to diagnose patients in his practice as well as treat them. She also has studied Energy Medicine Modalities: Total Body Modification (Energetic Chiropractic) and Matrix Energetics 1, 2, & 3. She has Certification in all of these modalities. Mari has a Certification to teach Kunlun Nei Gung or the Kunlun System, Taoist Internal Alchemy, and has been accredited to instruct Taoist Internal Meditation Techniques since 2011.
She has been working with Sacred Sound & Healing for 25+ years.
Originally gifted a spontaneous form of movement meditation that came to her after attending a traditional indigenous "ghost dance" in 1992, she plunged into her own in-depth internal study of these mysteries, and her own moon cycle following a spontaneous Kundalini awakening. She spent many years developing a relationship to this work in private. In 2008, she had a Spiritual Awakening and is currently deepening the embodiment of that awakening.
She currently teaches meditation and provides Sacred Therapeutic Sound for transformation, health and stress relief. She is also a circle co-facilitator for the Indigenous Women of Europe / Four Worlds Europe and part of the Pre-Council of Indigenous Elders. Four Worlds Europe fosters Indigenous Wisdom, peace and harmony among all nations and peoples, and is dedicated to care-taking the Earth and the generations to come for the good of all.
Mari also holds Certificates in (see certifications)
Health and Healing Certificates
Mindfulness Meditation - Leiden University
Healing and the Arts - University of Florida
Music for Wellness - Berklee School of Music
Medicine and the Arts - University of Capetown,
Curanderismo 1,2,& 3 - University of New Mexico,
Preventing Chronic Pain - University of Minnesota,
Acupressure for Headaches - Jumonzy,
Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Duke U.
fMRI Data Analysis- Johns Hopkins University,
Consumer Neuroscience, Copenhagen Business School,
Wellbeing and Psychology Leadership Certificates
The Science of Happiness - UC Berkeley
Better Leader Richer Life - Duke University
Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations - Vanderbilt
Inspirational Leadership through Emotional Intelligence - Case Western U.
What Managers can learn from Philosophy - Ecole Centrale Paris
Additional Music and the Arts Certificates
Sound Design from Emory University,
Site Specific Dance and Performance - Cal Arts,
Visual and Audio Computational Arts - U of New York
Music Production / Songwriting / Vocal Recording Technology - Berklee School of Music in Boston.
Creativity, Innovation and Change - Penn State
Ancient Ways - Culture and Spirituality Certificates
Archeoastronomy - Politecnico Milano University
Ancient Architecture (Global History of Architecture) - MIT
Archaeology, (Henges) - University of Reading, England
World Heritage Sites - Open University
Stonehenge - University of Buckingham
Wonders of Ancient Egypt - Penn University
Ancient Egypt and it's Civilization - Penn University
The Bible in Light of the Ancient Near East - Bar-llan U.
Humanity & Nature in Chinese Thought - U Hong Kong,
Sacred Objects and Religious Life - Hamilton College,
Magic and the Middle Ages - University of Barcellona,
Scottish Highland Clans - University of Glascow
Wars of 3 Kingdoms, Uk - Open University
Book of Kells - Trinity College Dublin
Foundations of the Gael - Udemy
Lands and Faiths (Celtic) - Udemy
Ancient Irish Mythology - Udemy
Ancient Ireland Life & Ways - Udemy
Viking Sagas, University of Zurich
Additional Coursework in
Buddhism and Psychology - Princeton University
Buddhism - UC Santa Barbara
Traditions of Yoga - UC Santa Barbara
Taoisim - UC Santa Barbara
Philosophy - UC Santa Barbara
Comparative Religions - UC Santa Barbara
Resilience & Science of Stress Management - WashingtonU
Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance -
Monash University
Health and Well-being in the Ancient world - Greek and Roman - The Open University
Kilts and Kerns (Celts) - Udemy
Sustainable Tourism - Wageningen University
Formal Teachers and Apprenticeships
Max Christensen - Kunlun System (R) - Taoist Internal Arts
Sifu Jenny Lamb - Taoist Internal Arts
Gesula Geyeltsen - Tibetan Buddhism (Golupa)
Yuan Miao - Tibetan Buddhism
Pastel Miralous - Danza Azteca Cuauhtemoc
Shen Ballesteros - Taoist Internal Arts, Hawaiian Kahuna
Master Tung - Taoist Traditional Tai Chi - Yang Style
Ewing Clan, my Indigenous Scottish Lineage
Mark Montijo - Apache Roads man
J. Wahoo - Siberian Medicine Ways
Richard Bartlet D.C. - Matrix Energetics
Dr. Daniel S. Reeves D.C., Phd, D.D.
Dr. Frank D.C. - Total Body Modification